
Project coordinator

Olivia Samuel is a professor of demography at Université Paris Nanterre, a researcher at the Centre de recherche sociologique et politique de Paris (Cresppa-UMR 7217) and an associate researcher at Laboratoire Printemps - o.samuel (at) Personal website

Scientific leads

Carole Brugeilles is a professor of demography at Université Paris Nanterre and a researcher at the Centre de recherche sociologique et politique de Paris (Cresppa-UMR 7217) - cbrugeil (at) Personal website

Bertrand Geay is a sociologist at INED-ELFE and professor in science of education at Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis - bertrand.geay (at) Personal website

Other participants

Céline Clément is a lecturer in socio-demography at Université Paris-Nanterre and at Cresppa (UMR7217) - celine.clement (at) Personal website

Yoann Demoli is a lecturer in sociology at UVSQ, at Laboratoire Printemps and at Laboratoire de sociologie quantitative - yoann.demoli (at) Personal website

Christine Hamelin is a lecturer in sociology at UVSQ and Laboratoire Printemps and an associate researcher with the Gender, Sexuality and Inequalities research unit of INED - christine.hamelin (at) Personal website

Anne Paillet is a professor of sociology at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and at CESSP (UMR 8209) - anne.paillet (at) Personal website

Agnès Pélage is a lecturer in sociology at UPEC and at Laboratoire Printemps - agnes.pelage (at) Personal website

Rose Prigent is a doctoral student in sociology-demography at Université Paris-Nanterre and at Cresppa (UMR 7217) - roseprigent (at) Personal website

Alexia Ricard is a CNRS research engineer in data production at the Center for socio-political data (Sciences Po/CNRS) - alexia.ricard (at) Personal website

Gabrielle Schütz is a lecturer in sociology at UVSQ and at Laboratoire Printemps - gabrielle.schutz (at) Personal website

Alex Sheridan is a research assistant at INED (ELFE unit), trained in Analysis and Policy in Economics at PSE - alexandra.sheridan (at) Personal website

Thierry Siméon is a senior engineer in the French territorial civil service at INED (ELFE unit) - thierry.simeon (at)


Alexandra Angoua is a student in Master 1 Sociologie et sciences politiques, parcours politiques sociales territorialisées et développement social urbain at Université Paris-Saclay. She is doing her internship at INED from January to June 2023 working on the division of parental labour and of health care of young children.